
Jenn Simon

About Jenn Simon

Jenn Simon, director of workforce strategies and research, has over a decade of experience in procurement, talent acquisition, workforce management, total talent initiatives and solutions. She can be reached at jennifer.simon (at) staffingindustry (dot) com.

Rate card methodology: Time to review

|April 3rd, 2024|

Are you paying your contingent workers appropriately? Are the margins you pay suppliers within the norms? Review your rate card methodology to find out.
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Adding SOW? Broadcast its value to get enthusiastic support

|February 1st, 2023|

Incorporating statement-of-work engagements into your contingent workforce program can be met with resistance. By frequently communicating the value proposition, you can turn reluctant stakeholders around to program adopters.
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The Great Inclusion: Why DE&I strategy should encompass contingents

|January 11th, 2023|

Organizations need to move away from the notion that DE&I is an initiative. Weave it into your DNA to infuse it across the entire organization.
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Your contingents are burned out; how to restore their well-being

|December 14th, 2022|

Employee wellness can have a direct impact on the business. Some strategies that can enhance the experience of contingent workers, avoid burnout and boost engagement across the talent journey.
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Why your contingents are burned out

|December 7th, 2022|

Research shows people engaged in contingent positions are more susceptible to poor mental health than those in long-term, stable employment. A look at this growing concern.
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