
Trends to watch in 2021 part 2

|February 3rd, 2021|

Last week’s issue covered trends SIA’s advisory team expects will affect your contingent workforce program this year. Here are more.
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Six trends to watch in 2021

|January 27th, 2021|

As organizations evolve and adapt to the new environment imposed by the pandemic, SIA’s CWS Council team discusses six trends that could impact your program and the industry this year. 

Promoting DE&I: Call out the influencers you know

|January 27th, 2021|

With the events of 2020 presenting an opportunity for us to effect real change, we at SIA are proud to introduce the 2021 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Influencers list, open to professionals across the ecosystem, including buyers, who are pushing the needle on DE&I.

To return or not to return?

|January 20th, 2021|

When going back to the workplace becomes an option, companies will need to consider their plans carefully to ensure the stability of their talent pools as well as their employer brand.

MSPs expand strategies, target markets for the post-Covid CW program

|January 6th, 2021|

Accelerated by technological advancement and the global shift to remote work amid the pandemic, today’s managed service programs now enable faster adoption of new processes, sourcing strategies and technologies.

Say hello to the RFS

|December 2nd, 2020|

Why traditional tactics may be holding your program back — and what you should use instead. From the RFP to contract length, it’s time to evolve your program’s approach.

The chance to succeed

|December 2nd, 2020|

When searching for the right people to fill contingent roles, one group CW managers should not overlook are people on the autism spectrum. Here’s what they offer to employers.

Sponsored: Connecting the dots

|November 18th, 2020|

For a diversity initiative that actually makes sense, run it like a business. HireTalent CEO Ashish Kaushal talks about that and other learnings from a report he commissioned SIA to produce on the future of diversity and inclusion.

The danger of program complacency

|November 11th, 2020|

Contingent workforce program owners must continually assess the needs of their internal customers and reinvent the make-up of their service. Otherwise, stagnation sets in and dissatisfaction rises.

Apprenticeships: A key to growing your own talent

|October 28th, 2020|

Dearth of qualified workers? Consider adding apprenticeships to your talent wheelhouse to develop the skills you need.