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Supplier search: Try SIA’s Largest Staffing Firms list

|August 10th, 2022|

As you examine your supplier pipeline to see where changes, additions, consolidations or other shifts might help your contingent workforce program, SIA's Largest US Staffing Firms list can be a great resource of companies that are on solid footing.
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Back to the future

|November 7th, 2018|

What’s past is prologue, as Shakespeare wrote. SIA’s Bryan Peña revisits predictions made in 2008 as he looks at what’s ahead for the industry now.

World of Work: contingents working remotely

|March 2nd, 2016|

The pros and cons of allowing contingents to work remotely.

When talent calls the shots

|June 20th, 2018|

Working with the CWS Council provides key insights into trends and challenges programs face today. Here are a few.

Contingent talent is the missing piece for a successful program

|February 14th, 2024|

SIA Chief Analyst Barry Asin discusses the benefits of leveraging contingent workers and flexible work arrangements in a Forbes article.
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You can save with a total talent management strategy, but watch out for the risks

|February 4th, 2015|

Total talent management is one of the most debated topics in the marketplace today. Debate notwithstanding, the big question is what are some of the cost savings opportunities and risks associated with this workforce management strategy.

Some of the cost savings total talent management (TTM) has to offer range from leveraging known, vetted talent for new […]

VMS pursuit in a virtual age: Think RFP

|July 15th, 2020|

Many buyers are finding VMS implementation to be easier in the work-from-home environment. If that tempts you into considering a system, what you should think about for your RFP process.

Global program: Speaking the same language helps keep processes aligned

|December 23rd, 2015|

Taking a contingent workforce program global can bring a lot of positives, but there are challenges to overcome — including cultural differences, business practices and VMS/MSP capability.

We asked Mark Hedley, VP, global RPO strategy, planning and governance at Deutsche Bank: “What are the benefits of taking a contingent workforce program global?”

Based in Singapore, Deutsche Bank’s […]

’Tis the season to speed your hiring processes

|November 2nd, 2022|

With mega retailers coming in for the lion’s share of already scarce talent, contingent workforce programs need to speed up their hiring. Here are ways to trim the delays.
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Program value: Calculate cost savings accurately

|January 6th, 2016|

One of the primary reasons organizations create contingent workforce programs is to gain cost savings, but then, the program must find a way to quantify savings delivered, this is usually done using guidance from their finance function. As such often savings assessments may miss some material value levers.  Cost savings assessments typically do not take […]

Covid-19: ‘A catalyst for change’ — CWS Summit

|September 23rd, 2020|

The pandemic this year forced the workforce solutions ecosystem to rapidly adapt to unprecedented disruptions. SIA’s Jo Matkin shared her insights into changes programs have seen.

Avoid MSP buyer’s remorse

|August 7th, 2019|

How to get your relationship with your managed service provider off to a good start — and keep it that way.

The VMS horizon: Innovations to look forward to

|June 24th, 2015|

This week, Staffing Industry Analysts released its 2015 VMS service and features differentiators report to CWS Council members. This report provides the most comprehensive review of where technology is evolving in our industry and how today’s providers are innovating to create the next-generation VMS that promises to fundamentally alter how work gets done.

VMS names like […]

Covid vaccine mandate nears completion

|October 27th, 2021|

As the Biden administration finalizes its approach to the president’s vaccine mandate for business, here are steps companies should be taking now to prepare for compliance.
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Thinking vision for 2025? Challenge these common CW (mis)conceptions

|January 8th, 2020|

Organizations launching five- and 10-year planning initiatives would do well to be aware of common assumptions that can hinder program success.

On the Clock: Time to start tracking workers’ hours

|June 19th, 2019|

A prominent feature in factories for more than a century, the time clock and its modern replacements have had little use for many employers. But a recent European court ruling may mean their return as businesses must track all workers’ hours — even for a post-Brexit UK.

The model dilemma: How should you manage your program? Part 2

|August 12th, 2015|

Last week, I introduced various management models organizations have to choose from for their CW programs. From pure in-house management to hybrid management methods, there are several options. This week, I will discuss two alternative models that are gaining attention in the marketplace: Strategic partner and total talent management.

Strategic partner (Center of Expertise –CoE) CW […]

Understanding the VICA decision-making methodology

|February 27th, 2019|

The strategic methodology necessary to making the right decision for your program. If even one element is unattainable, the program strategy is doomed to fail.

Into the unknown: The new world of work amid Covid-19

|March 18th, 2020|

From leveraging your network to providing clarity in the chaos, SIA’s Jo Matkin offers guidance for organizations to consider as they continue to feel their way through the rapidly evolving landscape due to Covid-19.

When time-to-fill is not always a good measure to go by

|December 13th, 2016|

Why focusing on speed can cost your company more in the long run.